Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More proof that NFL players get paid too much

Chicago Bears kicker Robbie Gould has become the highest paid kicker in the NFL. Robbie Gould has agreed to a five year, $15.5 million deal (which includes a $4.25 million signing bonus) on Monday with Duh Bears (that was a mis-type but it made me laugh so I am leaving it). His deal with Duh Bears (nah that was on purpose) is good until 2013.

Wow a $15.5 million contract just to kick a FUCKING BALL! That's all this guy does is kick a ball. He isn't going to get tackled, on purpose at least. This guy has it easy. I am sure he is sitting on his yacht in the Caribbean right now, sipping on a martini with his pinky out, laughing at Duh Bears management.

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